How Carbide Tipped Auger Teeth Put More Money in Your Account

How Carbide Tipped Auger Teeth Put More Money in Your Account

When it comes to investing in auger cutter tools, there are a number of things that you need to look out. First and the most important is the quality of the auger teeth based on the material that has been used for their constructions. Second is the value for money and more so how much you are going to save by investing these teeth. Tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth are some of the cutter tools that can help put more money in your account. But how is that achieved?

There are various ways that tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth can help improve your business profitability. Here are ways that you can have more money in the account by investing:

Saving Cost In Maintenance

One of the biggest benefits of investing in tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth is reduced cost of maintenance. Maintaining the plant or the drilling machine is one of the most expensive things when it comes to drilling. The rate at which the cutter tools wears out is extremely high, and it can reduce your profit by a huge margin. With tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth, they are resistance to wear and abrasion; hence, their cost of maintenance is significantly reduced. The cost of wear on other parts of the drilling machine is also significantly reduced.

Saving on the Running Cost

The everyday running cost of the machine is significantly affected by the quality of the cutter tools. That includes the amount of fuel that is needed to run the machine. If the cutter tools are blunt and dull, then the engine is forced to work harder hence increasing fuel consumption. But with tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth, they main sharpness for a longer time; hence the engine will not need to work harder. Therefore, the amount of fuel consumed with tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth is significantly reduced. That is you make more money.

High Performance

If you are paid based on performance and productivity, then you need to consider investing in tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth. Due to the sharpness of tungsten carbide tipped auger teeth, they offer incredible high cutting performance. So the amount of drilling or drilling depth is significantly increased hence more money. So if you are paid on the number of feet drilled, then you will have more feet to be paid for compared to working with typical auger teeth.


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